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  • Tips on Staying productive while working from home

    Tips on Staying productive while working from home

    Get out of Bed Please! 😁.It is hard getting out it when you can work from your bed. But working from bed attracts sleep and you will not be able to concentrate on your work for more than 3 hours.

    Twitter and phone app notifications are enemies 😈 of working from home. Set usage time limit of apps that distract you the most and disable notifications of them.

    Avoid Netflix at all cost. We all know how one episode turns into days of no work at all 😁.Instead award yourself watching a show/movie after completing your day tasks.

    Remember to EAT and Eat healthy 🥗! When working from home, Time seems to move fast than usual and sometimes you just notice that it is 5PM and you haven’t taken breakfast and/or Lunch. Avoid lots of snacks. Set an alarm for reminding you Time to take care of that stomach 😊.

    Party🕺🏿 and Celebrate the small wins in this period. Either as a Team on Video Conference or as an individual. I personally throw a one man party in my room on Friday for celebrating my week’s achievement(Might sound crazy but it is fun).

    Lastly, Keep it fun and simple. After all you are at home. Check on your family and friends and keep that SMILING FACE 🤗.

    Remember! Brighter days are yet to come.

  • Advice of HE President Paul Kagame to Entrepreneurs

    Advice of HE President Paul Kagame to Entrepreneurs

    I had this question for a long time. In the Youth Entrepreneurship Town Hall with H.E President Paul Kagame and Strive Masiyiwa.

    I had a chance to ask it and got not only the answer but also advice from The President of Rwanda. Watch the video of the question and answer here 👇

  • Is AI a major threat to the majority of human jobs?

    Is AI a major threat to the majority of human jobs?

    AI is a short form for Artificial Intelligence. Artificial intelligence is the ability of machines to make decisions and perform certain tasks, commonly referred to as “Robots that can make decisions”. These machines are able to accomplish their work without the involvement of manpower. They are mostly used in factories for performing complex work in a short period of time, They are also able to perform day and night, of which humans require some rest time and a lot of workers for working night and days shift for performing the same task.

    Is AI a major threat to the majority of human jobs?

    AI will not replace human jobs, AI will replace tasks. AI machines are like computers and smartphones that we use daily. Computers haven’t replaced human jobs. They have increased human productivity in their jobs. It is the same for AI, It will not take away jobs it will improve productivity and help us perform more in other tasks that AI will not touch.

    Why should one fear AI?

    We have seen technologies of drones by Zipline save lives in Rwanda. These drones use AI to make life-saving deliveries ranging from urgent blood delivery to different health medication and materials. Every technology is feared in its genesis, It was the same for the internet. We can all agree that the internet has done more good than harm to mankind.

    As a tech enthusiast, a tech contributor and most of all a human, I can’t ignore the danger that can be caused by unmanned machines. But instead of fighting against technology that can save, change and make our lives better, we should invest in technologies that can prevent the danger and set regulations for preventing and govern the production and use of this technology.

    I leave this great video. Until next time.

    Jacques Nyilinkindi